I have been recently reading " a toolkit 4change" by Dominique Bird and Allan Cumming and came across this interesting concept of four R's of working together.
(i)Remit- The topic that a group is expected or authorised to do.Has this been explained to the group?
(ii)Role-Is each member is clear about the role they have to play?What is the contribution that each member is going to offer?
(iii)Relationships-Does the group members know each other?Does they know how to contact other people in the group?
(iv)Responsibility-Is the group clear about the resposibilities?
Eventhough I work in teams on a daily basis , looking the team functioning under these headlines gives me a new perspective.
This is another four R tools that can be used in muti stakeholder pojects :
Thinking under these components helps in the efficinet running of the projects.